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AGTEK Sample CAD File Request

Carter Construction
1234 Easton Way
Sacramento, California 92467
Date: May 30, 2002    
To: Carl Sayors
Sayors Development Inc.
(510) 345-6789
(510) 345-5678
From: Robert Carter
Carter Construction
Subject: Request for CAD Data File For Garden Avenue Apartments Project

Please authorize Farnam Engineering to release to us the CAD data file containing original ground and proposed grades for your Garden Avenue Apartments project.

Carter Construction relies upon modern, computer-aided takeoff and control methods to provide timely, competitive earthwork bids and the most accurate possible, on-schedule grading performance. In addition to your paper plans, providing us with grading geometry on diskette in computer-readable form will enable us to do our best work for you.

Hold-harmless agreement: We understand that we may be receiving electronic media containing intermediate survey and design information, not necessarily intended for construction. We agree to hold Sayors Development, Inc., and Farnam Engineering harmless for any defects in this data. We agree that it shall be our responsibility to reconcile this electronic data with the paper plans, and that only the paper plans shall be regarded as legal documents for this job.

Mr. Sayor, thank you for your prompt attention to this critical matter. Please ask Farnam to advise us how soon we may receive the files.

Robert J. Carter

cc:  Farnam Engineering