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Planning Production

The volumes by themselves don't tell the whole story. Trackwork 4D is about planning and estimating how and when the dirt moves for optimized planning and mobilization.

Simple Sensors

And how do you measure field productivity? With simple sensors that feed the Superintendent and Managers near real-time information about how the job is going.

Production Measurement

Easily compare the planned production with the actual production.

Simple Statistics

Load counts, cycle times, moving hours are the basics with playback visuals and KMZ outputs that allow decisions when they can do the most good.

The Earthwork 4D Suite

Trackwork 4D

A Cloud-connected production management system for optimizing earthwork, Trackwork models production and monitors progress in real time to aid in scheduling equipment, supervising operations, reconciling bid estimates.

Plan your hauls by encircling areas of cut and fill on Trackwork's interactive 4D grid map. Indicate your proposed haul paths, specify nominal load volumes and cycle speeds for the assigned equipment and Trackwork will simulate the dirt movement and budget the machine hours. During construction, magnetically-mounted cell-sensors report time and motion for scrapers, dozers, compactors, blades, excavators, trucks or other equipment. Trackwork's Cloud-connected mobile app provides the field supervisor with access to immediate, actionable track information on load counts, cycle times, haul speeds, moving-time-per-cost-hour and equipment location.

Comparing cumulative track data to your production model shows percentage completion, work time remaining, and performance to plan. Resolving variances identifies issues and opportunities. Close the loop between office and field.

Master Trackwork in hours with expert, personalized, on-your-job training from AGTEK.