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Flexible Grade Guidance

SmartBlade is a simple yet powerful RTK GPS system for whatever machine needs grade or position at the moment

Visualization and Grade at your Fingertips

Where you are, what it should look like and the grading sheets the model is based on. Available at a single tap of your finger

Mag-mounted, Quick-detachable

Equipment that maximizes the value of the machine you have now. Dozers, Blades, Scrapers, Compactors. What needs grade and position at the moment?

And not just for the Iron

The simplicity works on the foreman's truck too. Flexible Mounting, Flexible Tools, Fast Payback

SmartBlade - Flexible Machine Control

SmartBlade is the machine optimized compliment to your SmartGrade system with fast flexible mounting for whatever machine needs RTK GPS guidance at the moment. Mag-mounted components, simple controls, and visual feedback. All things that make SmartBlade easy to use and implement for a variety of users with a variety of needs. Dozers, Scrapers, Blades, Compactors, Trucks. The only question is who needs grade and position right now. And SmartBlade updates your data through the Cloud so keeping your job model up to date can be a click away.

Easy to use, easy to implement with unmatched flexibility for the job of the moment.